Our Model
In developing the SBC Polytechnic Academy model, we began using design thinking, considering the realities our target population faces every day throughout adolescents. Rather than force our students to adapt to the traditional school model, we shifted the school model to address the realities of the students. The innovations below reflect those choices.
Innovation 1: Address motivational challenges by establishing and maintaining a culture of excellence and support.
Innovation 2: Address learning challenges through academic acceleration and student-matched instructional practices.
Innovation 3: Address motivational challenges through rigorous industry pathways with immediate student rewards.
Why Wait for Students to Fail High School?
SBC Polytechnic Academy will work closely with local middle schools:
Identify challenged eighth graders early,
Catch them up to grade level,
Engage them in rigorous and relevant coursework,
Graduate them with industry certifications, college credits, and having completed their “a-g” UC/CSU requirements.